Back On Errt – Live From The Mothership

I love freedom. I have to admit it. I just love the uncommitted feeling of no obligation. That momentary state of being, where you know you are completely independent, free to do whatever you want, to go wherever you choose, to be whoever you feel, on the slightest whim.
I think in many ways that was what first attracted me to music. No doubt, music did awake things internally that I would deem as most liberating. Still, seeing those famous artists that gave the impression of a liberated lifestyle and a complete independence certainly had a great impact on me.
Later on I came to realize that freedom comes at a price. Or should I say, freedom comes in disguise? Many of those great freedom fighters came out with their stories telling how they had been captured and chained by various evil masters like Lucy Sky, The Fat Cat and The Ratpack.
Of course, nobody really believes their stories, because in the end you just believe what you want to believe and then go out and find out for yourself. And I am no exception.
I have always loved the concept of an independent band. A band that are not dependent on a record label or any other commercial entity. A band that maintains it’s creative integrity above all. A band that keeps going against all odds, fighting relentlessly from the underground to reach their creative vision. I don’t know why (or maybe I do), but it sounds like freedom to me.
Now, would I want those bands to keep to themselves? To not make themselves known? Of course I wouldn’t. I would like to know about them to see what they have going on. Maybe their creative vision is one that I could share? Maybe it’s one that I would even like to be a part of.
And that’s exactly what Ronald Tolvtar at Errt Radio, Jeffers, USA, is all about. In his own words he likes to, “invite bands to the show to hear what they have to share and what inspires them to do the things that they might do”. We are so fortunate that we were invited for the second time to appear on his show and to play a couple of tunes.
Watch the video of us performing live on Errt Radio below, directly from our own studios in Norway, and hear some very interesting questions we got from a caller live on the air!
About our live performance. About freedom. About sharing. About the independent struggle.
Let us know in the comments below.
Awsome guys…rock on
Thanks Steve, most appreciated!
So glad you guys did the video of this thank you
Our pleasure Ronald. You rock!
Hei- it is really nice to see and hear you like this. Keep on!
Hei Kurt! Glad you like it. Thanks very much for your support, really appreciate it!
Amazing reminds me of the music I listened to growing up in the Vietnam era. I enjoyed this thank you. My mother and grandparents were norwegian.
Wow, that’s very cool! Glad you enjoyed it Shawn Eileen!